Canoa Solidaria

Why can't money finish poverty?

Maybe you have heard someone saying “ why the rich just don’t give part of the goods in order to finish poverty”, well the truth is that it’s not that easy, and even if we were able to redistribute all the resources around the world, this will not have as result at the end of poverty. 

But why is this, what are the arguments that validated this point of view? Is this just a supposition? or is it the fact that just the share of goods is enough to end inequality?

El dinero no puede acabar con la pobreza

What (won’t) happen if we suddenly redistribute all the goods and money around the world?  

Why can't money finish poverty
The Havana, Capital of the Unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist Republic Of Cuba |

If we suddenly redistribute all the world’s resources, it won’t lead to the end of inequality and this could even produce the greatest division beaten by those that control other kinds of assets

Poverty is caused by systematic issues 

Somalia received US$ 1.9 billion in official development assistance (ODA) in. 2019, Creator: FEISAL OMAR |Credit: REUTERS

There is not an easy way to end poverty, since this phenomenon is cause not but one but by a different variety of factors that are systematic within society, things like lack of healthcare, corruption, neglect of education, and a productive system, are some of those factors that we need to understand in order to have a perspective of the complexity of the issue.

There will always be someone with the capability to control a different kind of “asset”

Colectivos, a paramilitary group that support Nicolás Maduro, the Bolivarian government, the Great Patriotic Pole political alliance and the ruling party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. Get this image on: Wikimedia Commons | License details

Inside a society where all money and goods are distributed in equal shares, humanity will face different kinds of problems with the redistribution of power, a power that maybe will not hold on the shoulder of those with more wealth but those with more influence or political power inside their communities.

There are other factors such as economic and political stability, the system of values that is working inside a specific society, what includes the social structure of these.

Money can’t create self-sufficiency

Money alone can’t create self-sufficiency, Under these circumstances, we are not giving real opportunities to the people to increase their life quality but to be dependent on the aid that they are receiving, we need to empower our society, giving them aid to have a minimum quality of life, food shelter, water, internet, but understanding the only way to make a change in the long term is via the proper education, one that teaches people how to become self-sufficient.  


Guillermo Loaiza

Web Developer


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+58-412- 398- 7470

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Canoa is a Spanish Benefic association that has as its goal to help migrants from different parts of the world.


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